A Bit About Me
• Grew up in the Central Valley, went to school in Selma. Moved to Sacramento in 2005.
• Life-long SF Giants and GS Warriors fan.
• Favorite sport is baseball.
• Favorite players growing up were Will “The Thrill”Clark and Bo Jackson.
• Favorite hobby growing up was collecting baseball cards, and listening to SF Giants games on the
• Played Little League baseball and 2-years High school baseball.
• Student of the game. Always learning and trying to improve my knowledge of technical baseball
concepts and teach them to youth players.
• Love teaching baseball fundamentals to the youth players so they can have more success on the
• Volunteered as an assistant coach on several RCLL teams from Farm, American, to Majors level.
• Promoted to hitting coach for the RCLL Majors SF Giants in Spring 2022.
• My goals are to create a collaborative and positive learning environment; instill a passion for the
game of baseball; and impart valuable life skills to youth players that can be applied into